Monday, June 22, 2009

Hey, I know those people....

This article was in today's edition of the Courier-Journal. Lori and Bill Housworth are doctors that were in my singles group when I first started attending Springdale Community Church. They are very cool people who are now living in Cambodia. They have three children, two of which they adopted from Russia. They went to Russia to adopt one child. While there they found out he had a twin sister. After verifying the DNA test and everything, they came home with two babies.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer events

Here are the upcoming summer plans, so you can mark your calendars. First off, we will be finishing our video series this Friday, June 3rd, at 8:00 at Ross and Rachel’s house. (Same drill –friends are welcome, snacks are a great thing, arrive early for social time).

June 19th CG will be a games night event at Rod and Bethany’s house –details to follow closer to the event

July 3rd will be our annual CG holiday potluck at Ross and Rachel’s; Also, a group will be attending fireworks in Woodford Co with the Lexington Philharmonic on July 4th and anyone is welcome to join us.

July 17th CG will be hosted at Gabe and Kristin’s house. We will begin our new study. Our plan is to try a book study, When the Enemy Strikes, by Charles Stanley.